Calling all Missouri FCCLA juniors and seniors! Do any of you have an interest in government, public policy, and laws and their relation to families, Continue Reading
Being a Positive Peer Leader
Hey Missouri FCCLA!As members of FCCLA, we have the incredible opportunity to inspire and uplift our peers. Being a positive peer leader isn’t just Continue Reading
Gear Up for FLC!
Hey, hey, Missouri FCCLA! I am so excited to tell you the inside scoop on one of my favorite events - The Fall Leadership Conference! It is right Continue Reading
STAR Event: Parliamentary Procedure
Does your chapter run meetings using Parliamentary Procedure? Does your chapter want to learn more about Parliamentary Procedure? If so, the Continue Reading
Hey again Missouri FCCLA! We all know that affiliation is an important aspect of our beloved organization, so let’s talk about how to get affiliated, Continue Reading
Building Local Partnerships
Local partnerships play a crucial role in funding FCCLA each and every year! These partnerships not only support FCCLA, but also benefit other Continue Reading