FCCLA offers eight peer-to-peer educational programs to help students develop real-world skills for life within Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) education. Each national program is designed to be integrated into the FCS classroom to help reinforce lessons with opportunities for hands-on practice.
Career Connection

Career Connection helps members learn more about themselves, the workplace, and future careers to put themselves on the pathway to success. The projects that members conduct around Career Connection units will give them the confidence to face the thousands of overwhelming options that come with future career decisions.
Career Connection Units
- My Skills: Members learn about themselves and practice being productive, promotable employees by linking their interests, skills, and goals to careers.
- My Life: Members learn to manage interconnected roles in careers, families, and communities by exploring choices and skills that help balance these roles.
- My Career: Members gain a better understanding of work and learn how to find and land a job.
- My Path: Members identify steps to reach career and lifestyle goals.
2022-2023 Missouri Winners
1st place: Osceola FCCLA
2nd place: Montgomery County FCCLA
Community Service

quality of life in their communities. Through their projects, members experience character development and improve their critical and creative thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation. FCCLA members learn more about themselves, others, and the world so that they can make a difference now and in the future.
Community Service Units
- Learn: Members explore personal values, ethics, and ethical decision-making while evaluating their community needs.
- Lead: Members learn how to use their leadership skills to serve in their community and how to transfer those servant leadership skills to the workplace.
- Serve: Members are introduced to the critical role community partnerships and advocacy play in serving the needs of others while also developing their own community-based service.
2022-2023 Missouri Winners
1st place: Montgomery County FCCLA
2nd place: Mark Twain FCCLA
3rd place: Hermann FCCLA
Families Acting for Community Traffic Safety (FACTS)

FACTS gives members the information and incentives they need to build an understanding of what it means to drive safely, both today and in the future. Through their projects, members work to educate adults and peers about traffic safety and support enforcement of local rules and regulations. FCCLA members are given the tools to help families promote basic safety attitudes that can last a lifetime.
- People: To understand and promote your role as a driver or passenger and keep yourself and others safe
- Vehicles: To understand vehicle safety and the role it plays in safety for you and others
- Roads: To understand and promote your role as well as the safety hazards you may encounter and how to avoid or react to them
2023-2024 MODOT FACTS Grant Winner
Owensville High School
MODOT/FCCLA Project Stipend
National FCCLA in partnership with MODOT are offering chapters $500 stipends to help their chapter complete their projects for the FACTS national program. The first 50 chapters to complete theĀ 2024-2025 Missouri FCCLA FACTS Stipend Application in the Affiliation Portal under the tab Surveys Applications. There are very little requirements that come with this stipend and a great way to get started raising funds for your chapter! You can use the links below to help get ideas on what your chapter can do for their projects.
Buckle Up Phone Down
Safe Rides Save Lives PSA Contest
Teens in the Driver Seat
Additionally, this grant has allowed FCCLA to provide the FACTS National Program to ALL Missouri FCCLA chapters! To access this now-free resource in the Affiliation Portal, go to the Resources tab, and click on the Purchased Publications bar.
Many of these also come with other money opportunities up to $6000! Additionally, MODOT has graciously offered to send the top team to the 2025 National Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida! If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to our Missouri-National FCCLA FACTS Consultant Blake Reed at [email protected]!
Families First

Through Families First, members gain a better understanding of how families work and learn skills to become strong family members. Its goals are to help members become strong family members and leaders for today and tomorrow and strengthen the family as the basic unit of society.
Families First Units
- Families Today: Understand and celebrate families
- You-Me-Us: Strengthen family relationships
- Meet the Challenge: Overcome obstacles together
- Balancing Family and Career: Manage multiple responsibilities
- Parent Practice: Learn to nurture children
2022-2023 Missouri Winners
1st place: Chillicothe FCCLA
2nd place: North Point FCCLA
Financial Fitness

Financial Fitness engages members in teaching one another how to earn, spend, save, and protect money wisely. Through the Financial Fitness program, members plan and carry out projects that help them, and their peers learn to become wise financial managers and smart consumers. FCCLA members can build their peers’ financial literacy and teach them skills for managing their finances.
Financial Fitness Units
- Earning: Sharpen on-the-job financial fitness
- Spending: Track and plan personal spending
- Saving: Conquer bank accounts, credit, and investments
- Protecting: Keep financial and personal interests safe
2022-2023 Missouri Winners
1st place: Chillicothe FCCLA
Power of One

Power of One helps members to find and use their personal power. Members set their own goals, work to achieve them, and enjoy the results. The skills members learn in Power of One help them now and in the future with school, friends and family, and on the job.
Power of One Units
- A Better You: Improve personal traits
- Family Ties: Get along better with family members
- Working on Working: Explore work options, prepare for a career, or sharpen skills useful in business
- Take the Lead: Develop leadership qualities
- Speak Out for FCCLA: Tell others about positive experiences in FCCLA
For resources and lesson plans on Power of One, visit the National FCCLA website.
Stand Up

The FCCLA Stand Up national peer education program guides members to develop, plan, carry out, and evaluate advocacy activities to improve the quality of life in their communities. Members develop their voices to make a positive impact. Through their projects, members experience character development and improve their critical and creative thinking, interpersonal communication, leadership, practical knowledge, and career preparation.
Stand Up Units
- Assess current needs
- Educate others regarding concerns
- Advocate so that they can make a difference now and in the future
2022-2023 Missouri Winners
1st place: Hermann FCCLA
2nd place: Osceola FCCLA
Student Body

The Student Body program helps members learn to make informed, responsible choices for their physical and mental health while also providing opportunities to teach others. The teen years are an ideal time to establish healthy attitudes and habits to last a lifetime, which is why Student Body gives members the facts and incentives they need to build a healthy body.
Student Body Units
- The Healthy You: Empowering teens to make wise food and lifestyle choices
- The Fit You: Empowering teens to take charge of their health and their level of fitness
- The Real You: Empowering teens to maintain positive mental health
- The Resilient You: Empowering teens to live in ways that build emotional health
2022-2023 Missouri Winners
1st place: Hermann FCCLA
2nd place: Cameron FCCLA
3rd place: Chillicothe FCCLA
For resources and lesson plans on the National Programs, visit the ADVISERS page on the National FCCLA website and the RESOURCES section of the FCCLA Adviser Portal.