The Regional Executive Council has many opportunities to make their region stand out in Missouri FCCLA. Regional officers plan and participate in regional activities, turn interests and concerns into action, earn recognition, make a difference in the lives of other FCCLA members, and more. Regional officers are a key link between the state association and local chapters.

The Regional Executive Council
The Regional Executive Council will:
- Determine policies and procedures of the region.
- Determine what business will be brought before the regional meetings.
- Make plans for the regional meeting.
- Plan the year’s budget and approve disbursement of regional funds.
- Provide leadership training activities for regional members.
- Conduct other necessary business.
The Regional Executive Council has the authority over the region, subject to such regulations and bylaws as may be adopted by the region in accordance with the bylaws of the state association. The Regional Executive Council will be composed of elected regional officers and the state officer from the region. Chapters in the region that do not have a regional officer should have one representative to council meetings, not as voting representatives, but to be aware of region events and information and to participate in discussions as appropriate.
At a minimum, each region should have six officers:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Reporter
- Parliamentarian
Regions may choose to have more than six officers, including a representative on the State Executive Council. Refer to regional bylaws for more detailed information on each region’s officer slate.
Responsibilities of All Regional Executive Council Members
- Attend all regional meetings.
- Participate in planning and executing regional meetings and activities.
- Reporting on executive council meetings to local chapters.
- Become acquainted with other officers in the region, and state executive council members.
- Submit chapter and regional news to local, regional, state, and national media outlets on a regular basis.
- Keep a notebook with appropriate records and pass it on to the successor of the office.
- Know FCCLA facts and creed.
- Serve as a member of the local chapter executive council.
- Work with chapter members in assuming responsibility for participation in regional activities.
- Be neat in dress and appearance at all FCCLA activities, following assigned dress codes.
- Be courteous and sincere.
Regional Presidents
Regional presidents work with their executive council and regional advisers to develop an agenda for each meeting. He or she will preside at meetings, use basic parliamentary procedure, and help the group make decisions – but does not make decisions for the group. The president sees that necessary committees and subcommittees are formed and that committee chairs are selected. The president may serve as an ex-officio member on committees. He or she knows the duties of all officers and committee chairs, starts meetings on time, and confers frequently with regional advisers on plans. The president may represent the region at special events.
Responsibilities of the Regional President
- Make sure he or she keeps informed and current on information and activities in regional, state, and national FCCLA; read all correspondence from state and national FCCLA carefully and file for future reference.
- Be familiar with regional, state, and national bylaws; become particularly familiar with the sections of state bylaws regarding regional business.
- See that the parliamentarian chairs a bylaws committee, as necessary, to keep regional bylaws up-to-date with state and national bylaws, as well as reviews bylaws of new local chapters.
- Attend Missouri FCCLA Fall Leadership Conference and State Leadership Conference.
Due to the Missouri FCCLA State Office by September 1
- Regional calendar of events
- Regional bylaws
- Updated regional executive council directory
- Web addresses for regional website and/or social media
Regional Elections
- Schedule regional officer screening after December 15 but before February 1, keeping in mind a potential snow make-up date.
- Carefully and thoroughly review officer qualification forms to ensure candidates are fully affiliated and meet all regulations and qualifications identified in the officer qualification forms. A roster of affiliated members and chapters for each region will be available here after December 15.
- Calculate the number of voting delegates each chapter is allotted based on state bylaws. Inform each chapter of their allotted voting delegates prior to officer screening.
- Make ballots for voting delegates and select a committee for ballot review.
- If officer qualification forms are reproduced for voting delegates, the reproductions should be quality copies with all personal information (phone numbers, addresses, emails, etc.) blacked out before copying.
- By February 1, submit the completed regional directory to the Missouri FCCLA state office.
- Schedule and execute regional officer installation.
- Remind the regional executive council members and advisers that duties begin and end with regional officer installation.
Regional Election Materials
Situational questions and the knowledge test will be provided to regional president advisers one hour prior to the start of regional screening. Links to region-specific officer qualifications forms will be provided by December 30.
Regional Vice Presidents
Regional first vice presidents are responsible for coordinating and assisting with regional STAR Events. The Missouri FCCLA Guide to STAR Events is provided to assist members and advisers as they implement STAR Events in their local and regional associations’ program of work. In addition to the 34 national STAR Events, Missouri FCCLA officers two (2) state-level STAR Events. All national STAR Event guidelines can be downloaded through the affiliation portal.
Notifying Chapters
It is imperative that a regional STAR Events informational letter, including entry submission and payment deadlines, be sent well in advance of regional STAR Events. When the deadline is nearing for registration, regional vice presidents should make sure to reach out to any chapters with an unfinished registration. This can be easily done in the registration system using the mass email feature. To see the list of unfinished registrations, go to Reports > Registration Reports > Unfinished Registrations.
Managing STAR Events
The Missouri Regional STAR Events Management Manual is provided to regional vice presidents and advisers to assist in implementing STAR Events in their region. The manual provides information for the host venue, volunteers, and more. Within the manual is the STAR Events Summary Sheet, which is to be completed with information regarding the region’s state STAR Events entries. The regional vice president and their adviser is responsible for submitting the completed summary sheet for your region no more than 7 days after the completion of regional competition. If regional competition is within 7 days of February 1, the summary sheet should be submitted no later than February 1.
STAR Events Materials
Some of the required materials will be provided to regional vice president advisers by December 15 by Missouri FCCLA. A password is required to access these materials, and will be provided to Regional Vice President Advisers on the day that the materials become available.
- Early Childhood Education case study
- FCCLA Knowledge test
- Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation case study
- Interpersonal Communications case study
- Job Interview questions
- Parliamentary Procedure materials
- Promote and Publicize FCCLA! writing samples
Other materials necessary for STAR Events are located on the National FCCLA website and/or in the affiliation portal.