Does your chapter run meetings using Parliamentary Procedure? Does your chapter want to learn more about Parliamentary Procedure? If so, the Continue Reading
Hey again Missouri FCCLA! We all know that affiliation is an important aspect of our beloved organization, so let’s talk about how to get affiliated, Continue Reading
Building Local Partnerships
Local partnerships play a crucial role in funding FCCLA each and every year! These partnerships not only support FCCLA, but also benefit other Continue Reading
National Programs
Hello Missouri FCCLA! I am so excited to talk to you all about one of my favorite parts of FCCLA - National Programs. Within the National Programs, Continue Reading
Using Social Media for the 3R’s
Hey Missouri FCCLA! When looking forward to the upcoming year, many chapters aim to gain more members and keep them engaged. If that is you, keep Continue Reading
Growing your Membership
Hello Missouri FCCLA, and maybe FCCLA members nationwide! Are you wondering how to grow your membership this upcoming school year? Well this is just Continue Reading