The 2024 National Leadership Conference will truly be one to remember! From the planned sessions, the keynote speakers, the baseball game outing, to the 7 am wakeup call for proposed bylaws… Throughout the conference there will be decisions made that can possibly change the face of FCCLA and the student-led aspect. This power rests in our hands. Our State Executive Council, State Executive Council Advisers, and State Staff have been hard at work breaking down each proposed bylaw change, but now it is up to you to prepare yourself.
Throughout the past few months I have spent countless hours educating myself on the revisions of our bylaws. I have worked one-on-one with the Missouri State Adviser, Ashley Witte, and with my chapter adviser, Kristi Christy as well. Alongside the State Executive Council and the State Executive Council Advisers, I have met with Darci Friberg, a FCS teacher and FCCLA adviser who is knowledgeable on parliamentary procedure. She walked the council and our advisers through the revisions. As a council we discussed and voted on each proposed change.
Any information about the proposed bylaw changes can be found on the National FCLCLA website at As you review the recommendations of the State Executive Council below, refer to the documents available on the National FCCLA website.
Revised Article I
As a council we agreed that these changes about the branding of the organization are just meant to protect FCCLA’s identity so we approved of this revision.
Current Article II
We felt that this removal would only be acceptable if Article 1 passes due to the protection needed with the Policies and Procedures Manual.
Revised Article II
Current Section 2: This revision just includes more US territories that can have FCCLA chapters. As well as details about the requirements to be a state association.
Current Section 3: After a long discussion the SEC came to a vote that we disagree with the removal of the national regions as we still want to keep equal representation on the National Board of Directors.
Revised Section 3: Providing better language and clarification of what an affiliated chapter is.
Revised Section 4: Providing better language and clarification of what an independent chapter is.
Revised Section 5: Language added and removed to provide better understanding of membership qualifications.
Revised Article III
After discussion and questions on town hall meetings hosted by the national association, we agreed with this change as it is to align with D.C. law.
Revised Article IV
Language was added to provide legal clarification.
Revised Article V
Current Section 1: The council voted against these changes as we felt the names of the national offices should not be moved to where the Board of Directors can change them at any given point.
Revised Section 1: These revisions also include a section that states that the National Executive Council must fully commit to their role by resigning from all district, region, and state office positions in any CTSO.
Current Section 3: By passing this removal, this is just one more way that we are losing the “student-led” aspect within FCCLA because broader language was added essentially forcing the National Officers to agree with whatever the Board of Directors say. We feel as this removes the official youth voice of the organization.
Revised Article VI
This article deals with the board of directors and their authority/power. We felt that with the amount of inconsistencies in different revisions it would be best to just vote against it.
Current Article VIII
We feel that removal of this Article would also remove the “student-led” aspect of our organization. This bylaw provided essential language that protected the independence of the National Officers from the Board of Directors. Removing this bylaw would further restrict the voice of the National Executive Council as they would no longer have “independent” voices from the Board of Directors. Therefore, we feel as if this bylaw should remain to protect the official youth voice of the organization.
Revised Article VII
We chose to vote no because it limits the voice of the NEC by lowering their votes from 10 to 1.
Revised Article VIII
According to the rationale these revisions, “provide greatly clarity regarding the oversight of personnel policies and to clarify the communication channel to the membership.”
Revised Article IX
Changing wording to have all follow the same code of ethics as well as aligning with D.C law.
Current Article XII
Referred to “Teen Times” which is no longer being published. The removal of this article is just to update to align with the current standings.
Current Article XIII
We voted no due to the rationale mentioning that student committees were addressed in revised Article VI Section 5 but it is not.
Revised Article X
Our State Executive Council felt that removing the FCS discipline qualification of a state adviser was wrong as we should continue to keep high standards of those in charge of our organization.
Revised Article XI
Wording of this article was edited to reduce unnecessary language.
Revised Article XII
This added section proves legal protection to the stakeholders and decision makers of the organization in the event FCCLA were to be pursued in a court of law. Adding this clause is standard practice for non-profit organizations. This protection is only provided if an individual is acting in the best interest of FCCLA and in an ethical manner.
Revised Article XIII
We voted against this as it removes the ability for state associations to make a motion on the floor during the business session.
Revised Article XIV
The State Executive Council voted no as we felt that the board should not have the right to just use parliamentary procedure if and whenever they would like.
The Missouri association will host an electronic vote on Monday, June 24 at 3:00pm. An electronic ballot will be sent via email newsletter to all affiliated members and advisers. The voting window will be open for two hours. Review the recommendations of the State Executive Council, the proposed changes and other documents on the National FCCLA website, and make your choices based on what you believe is in the best interest of the organization and its members. If you have questions or comments regarding any of the proposed amendments or the SEC’s recommendations, email me at [email protected].
Molly Kennebeck
Vice President of Elections