Missouri state and FCCLA national programs and competitive events support CTE students’ development of knowledge and skills, enhancing the classroom experience and career pathway initiatives. FCCLA is integrated into FCS and is intracurricular, exposing students to work-based learning, business and industry networks, and industry-recognized certifications.
FCCLA members explore career opportunities and build real world skills by developing projects, engaging and participating in events, and competing statewide and nationally for scholarships and awards. Through participation in FCCLA and exploration of FCCLA’s four career pathways, members acquire many skills to be college and career ready, including academic knowledge, technical expertise and a set of general, cross-cutting abilities called employability skills.
In addition, through FCS education, FCCLA members learn real world skills that are transferable to any career pathway they choose. These real-world skills include:
- Applied academic skills – communications, math, science, basic literacy
- Critical thinking skills – time, money, materials, personnel
- Information use
- Communication skills
- Interpersonal skills – leadership, teamwork, negotiation
- Personal qualities
- Systems thinking – teamwork, project management
- Technology use
Human Services
The Human Services Career Pathway prepares individuals for employment in careers that relate to families and human needs, such as counseling and mental health services, family and community services, personal care, and consumer services.
Possible Careers in Human Services
- Child, family, or school social worker
- Childcare facility director
- School counselor
- Sociologist
- Social services worker
- Personal or home care aide
- Leisure activities counselor
- Personal financial advisor
- Consumer goods or services retailing representative or buyer
- Cosmetologist, hairdresser, or hairstylist
Hospitality and Tourism
The Hospitality and Tourism Career Pathway includes the management, marketing, and operations of restaurants and other food services, lodging, attractions, recreation events, and travel-related services.
Possible Careers in Hospitality and Tourism
- Restaurant, food service, lounge, casino, coffee shop, or catering owner, operator, or manager
- Hotel, motel, resort, or bed and breakfast owner, operator, or manager
- Tour company owner, operator, or manager
- Meeting and convention planner
- Interpreter or translator
- Tourism and travel services marketing manager
Education and Training
The Education and Training Career Pathway involves planning, managing, and providing education and training services and related learning support services.
Possible Careers in Education and Training
- Superintendent, principal, or other school administrator
- Teacher or instructor
- Preschool or kindergarten teacher
- Clinical, developmental, or social psychologist
- Social worker
- Counselor
- Teacher assistant
- Parent educator
- Child care worker
- Coach
- Recreation worker
- Sign language interpreter
Visual Arts and Design
The Visual Arts and Design Career Pathway involves designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content including visual and performing arts and design, journalism, and entertainment services.
Possible Careers in Visual Arts and Design
- Stage designer
- Fashion/apparel designer or illustrator
- Interior designer
- Home furnishing coordinator
- Textile designer or chemist
- Costume designer